The Eben Foundation is a 501(c)3 that stewards donor gifts through prudent investment strategies to provide sustainable growth and ongoing funding for charitable partners in the United States.
Eben, meaning stone, comes from the biblical narrative found in Daniel 2. In the story, the great Babylonian King has a dream about a statue that represents the kingdoms of the world from the Babylonian to Roman empires. In the dream, a stone, Eben, appears from nowhere and smashes the statue and then grows into a mountain. Unlike the worldly kingdoms, the mountain is a new kind of Kingdom, a kingdom of freedom, peace and restoration.
The Eben Foundation dreams of helping bring this same justice, peace and restoration for all those in the United States.
Why Are We Different?
The Eben Foundation is not just another non-profit organization that will do what others are already doing. As opposed to taking donations year after year and continually asking for more, The Eben Foundation takes donations from investor partners and grows them to provide ongoing funding for non-profit partners. We serve our investor partners by making their giving easier, more effective, and continually impactful.
We serve our non-profit partners with financial and missional accountability.
How does it work?
To accomplish the mission, The Eben Foundation begins by raising funds for our prudent, high return model. This model will produce investment returns that provide ongoing funding for charitable partners. This strategy is two fold:
Beginning with organizations with which we are currently aligned, we are networking and growing relationships with non-profit partners to establish recipients of our investment returns. Partners will be selected based on successful outcomes that align with The Eben Foundation mission of serving those that bring freedom, healing, peace, and restoration to humanity. Non-profit partners will be held accountable financially and missionally in order to qualify for ongoing support as the Eben team will help make effective the impact and verify use of funds.
Build a fund with donations from investor partners. Those donations will open an account managed by a capital management group. After returns are generated, the Eben team will distribute a portion of those investment returns to non-profit partners. Our fund manager is growing donations through multiple investment strategies that have proven successful over the past decade.